logoSecret Water

CHARACTERS Swallows (John, Susan, Titty, Roger [9 yrs. old], Bridget [4 yrs. old] Walker plus Sinbad the kitten!)
Amazons (Nancy, Peggy Blackett)
Mastadon (Don)
Eels (Daisy, Dum, Dee)
minor characters: Cmdr (Ted) & Mrs (Mary) Walker, Miss Powell, farmer from kraal, Missionaries (Eel's parents), "witch", George the seal
LOCATION Pin Mill, Secret Water
TIME late August or early September 1932, towards the end of the summer holidays (immediately following We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea)
BOATS Wizard, Firefly, Goblin, Lapwing, Mastadon's boat, 3 boats of Eels, Speedy


(numbers are days,
names are chapter titles)


Farewell to Adventure


Adventure Ahead, Into the Unknown, The Expedition Goes Ashore, Marooned


First Hint of Savages, Hoofmarks in the Mud, The Mastadon's Lair, Making a Friend of a Savage, The Straits of Magellan, War or Exploration


Blood and Iodine, Mastadon Island, Witch's Quay, The Mastadon Wishes He Hadn't


Enemy's Country


A State of War, Eager Prisoner, Hot on the Trail, All's Well


Six Boats Explore, The Mastadon Gives a Party


Red Sea Crossing: Israelites, Civilization, Sinbad's Creek, Red Sea Crossing: Egyptians, Rescue and After, Corroboree


Packing Up, Northwest Passage, Farewell to the Eels
NOTES D.'s have gone home from Lake, Timothy and Capt. Flint at Lake; Roger & Titty got their life saving certificates at school in summer term at school, John and Susan got theirs the year before; Don bigger than Roger but not as big as John; Eels come around from Colnsea; Peggy tells story about what happened at High Topps after Swallows had gone south, D.'s also had been called away to join parents; Amazons called 2 females (meaning nearly grown-ups) by Eels; Miss Powell's telephone number is Woolverstone 30; Daddy and Mother shuttle back and forth between London and Pin Mill; Dum and Dee bigger than Daisy, but she is in command, Dum bigger than Dee (they're not twins); Mrs Blackett is meeting the Amazons in London to get them ready for school; Karabadangbaraka ~ Akarabgnadabarak (or if Daisy's saying it, akarabgandabarak) is the sign/countersign of the Eels

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